Category Archives: All Leadership

Crises speed up 3 key leadership transformations

Profound transformations usually take a long-time. But only a few weeks into Corona clearly confirm that crises can be powerful catalysts for changes. For businesses and leaders alike.

Here are 3 key leadership transformations we are experiencing:

1 – Shorter consultations, quick and courageous decisions

In the past, as a leader, you would aim at allowing reasonable amounts of space and time to be set aside to weigh up key decisions and their impact. But crises require leaders to make many critical decisions very quickly and implement them with courage in a very short time. Because companies have currently no other choice but to move swiftly and adapt.

Let me take a simple example: Before the crisis, some leaders were still asking: ” How much home office should I allow, what are the ramifications, and what could be the potential impacts, in terms of upsides and downsides?”.

In the early days following confinement decisions, however, this wasn’t the question anymore. The question changed to: WHAT MUST I DO so that people CAN work from home?”Entire operations had then to be digitized in an unprecedented short time, equipment had to be purchased and installed, security protocols adapted. Because what started as a theoretical possibility had turned into a practical and even critical necessity.

 2 – From process control to outcome-based trust

What I’m seeing today is that leaders who may have had a tendency to micro-manage their teams (maybe in a stress-handling mode), now have no choice but to trust more. They practically have had to make that behavioural change overnight. With no personal transition time to gradually develop new habits. If you can´t monitor every step of the process, you have to focus on its outcome. If you can´t observe what your employees are working on and how, you have no choice but to trust that they are making progress. Don´t waste time and energy by worrying and over-controlling whether people do their work. Believe me: If you have not adapted your leadership style by now, you are probably driving your employees nuts – and yourself as well 😉 – and will not positively impact any outcomes. However, what you can and must do, is to ensure goals are clear and aligned.

3 – From command chains to engaging communication

Another major observation is that internal communication and the kind of conversations teams are having are changing.

All of a sudden, the need for sound internal communication has become transparently obvious. Leaders are learning that communication in times of uncertainty and crisis can enhance their leadership presence and proximity. Leaders are used and trained to communicate about results and outcomes. In times of crisis, communication ALONG THE WAY is key. Leaders, it’s okay -yes even necessary- to inform your employees about what you are trying to implement and about progresses of unfinished processes.

In addition, I am so pleased to see that conversations are changing. Not only because they often now start with: “How are you doing?”. But also because they are much more engaging. Take the example of protective measures (e.g. protective clothing, exclusive digital access, short-time work or going on furlough) which had to be implemented: They will be only effective if accepted and implemented by the entire workforce. This is where traditional one-way management turns into engaging two-way conversations. And by the way, small things, like “seeing each other” during conference calls or virtual coffee breaks can be of high value.

If I had ONE WISH. Let us not go back to “before, how things used to be”. Let us ensure that the leadership lessons we have had to learn with courage over the past weeks, with no transition time, will last.

I am curious to hear what YOUR key leadership lesson of the past weeks has been. Let us learn from one another, please share generously here in your comments!

Here are 3 key leadership transformations we are experiencing:

1 – Shorter consultations, quick and courageous decisions

In the past, as a leader, you would aim at allowing reasonable amounts of space and time to be set aside to weigh up key decisions and their impact. But crises require leaders to make many critical decisions very quickly and implement them with courage in a very short time. Because companies have currently no other choice but to move swiftly and adapt.

Let me take a simple example: Before the crisis, some leaders were still asking: ” How much home office should I allow, what are the ramifications, and what could be the potential impacts, in terms of upsides and downsides?”.

In the early days following confinement decisions, however, this wasn’t the question anymore. The question changed to: WHAT MUST I DO so that people CAN work from home?”Entire operations had then to be digitized in an unprecedented short time, equipment had to be purchased and installed, security protocols adapted. Because what started as a theoretical possibility had turned into a practical and even critical necessity.

 2 – From process control to outcome-based trust

What I’m seeing today is that leaders who may have had a tendency to micro-manage their teams (maybe in a stress-handling mode), now have no choice but to trust more. They practically have had to make that behavioural change overnight. With no personal transition time to gradually develop new habits. If you can´t monitor every step of the process, you have to focus on its outcome. If you can´t observe what your employees are working on and how, you have no choice but to trust that they are making progress. Don´t waste time and energy by worrying and over-controlling whether people do their work. Believe me: If you have not adapted your leadership style by now, you are probably driving your employees nuts – and yourself as well 😉 – and will not positively impact any outcomes. However, what you can and must do, is to ensure goals are clear and aligned.

3 – From command chains to engaging communication

Another major observation is that internal communication and the kind of conversations teams are having are changing.

All of a sudden, the need for sound internal communication has become transparently obvious. Leaders are learning that communication in times of uncertainty and crisis can enhance their leadership presence and proximity. Leaders are used and trained to communicate about results and outcomes. In times of crisis, communication ALONG THE WAY is key. Leaders, it’s okay -yes even necessary- to inform your employees about what you are trying to implement and about progresses of unfinished processes.

In addition, I am so pleased to see that conversations are changing. Not only because they often now start with: “How are you doing?”. But also because they are much more engaging. Take the example of protective measures (e.g. protective clothing, exclusive digital access, short-time work or going on furlough) which had to be implemented: They will be only effective if accepted and implemented by the entire workforce. This is where traditional one-way management turns into engaging two-way conversations. And by the way, small things, like “seeing each other” during conference calls or virtual coffee breaks can be of high value.

If I had ONE WISH. Let us not go back to “before, how things used to be”. Let us ensure that the leadership lessons we have had to learn with courage over the past weeks, with no transition time, will last.

I am curious to hear what YOUR key leadership lesson of the past weeks has been. Let us learn from one another, please share generously here in your comments!

You are doing such a great job!

Let me tell you, leaders: “You are doing currently such a great job!” It takes a lot of courage to stand up and lead in the face of this new uncertainty. In “normal times”, it’s not always easy to choose when to listen to your heart or your head; and right now, you have to do both simultaneously. You need to implement measures to protect your employees, and at the same time keep the business going as long and as well as possible while also reassuring partners and shareholders.

I am very impressed by all the small stories I currently hear from leaders I work with, fighting for their business, taking courageously some of the toughest and most disruptive decisions they ever had to take. Whether you had to split up your teams, sent people home or even temporarily closed your business – you are stepping up to protect what is important and what you have built together with your teams. I hear and can feel your dedication, your determination, your passion, I am seeing you not shying away but developing an incredible energy, so that whenever this is over, you will have done your very best to have saved lives and our economies. This is what true leadership means. Thank you for your courage!


I read today this sentence in a post of Janet M. Harvey and it kept on resonating with me, even out of its original context. WE: Leaders? Executive coach? Bigger, as human beings?

How were we, as leaders, made for such a time as this? Because times of uncertainty and concerns are THE times calling for, yes requiring leadership and leaders to step in and forward with courage. Because our resilience, our clarity are what our companies and people need, more than ever. Because this is a time where our hearts and our heads need to be in balance -heart for empathy and understanding, head for action and determination.

How were we, as coaches, made for such a time as this? Because at the core of what we do is offering a safe place to leaders. More than ever. For them to stop and resource, grow their resilience, think loud, better anticipate and implement next steps better, a place where they can share their personal concerns or anxieties for their employees and for the future of their company. Because we partner with our clients and support them to focus on what matters and on the criticals.

How were we as human beings made for such a time as this? Want to share your thoughts? Stay safe and healthy fight Coronavirus.

What was your game plan like this week?

What a week! Packed with meetings and trips, it was exceptionally busy. Our weekly routine reminds me much of a board game. Wouldn’t you agree leaders? Step by step we move forward, complete tasks or collect points. But what was your game plan like this week?

In one of my last posts, I shared how to effectively plan your week to reach your goals. Now it’s time to look back, evaluate and refine your strategy. Feel free to try out the next 4 steps with me:

1. Review what was on your to-do-list. Tick what you’ve done – and be proud!

2. Question yourself:
– What did you do this week that had a real impact? on your organisation, on individuals, for your clients?
– What did you plan to do but didn’t? What stood on your way?

3. Learn from yourself:
– What is this week’s lesson learned?
– What can you do differently next week?

4. Look at your calendar: What have you already planned for next week?
– Revise your plan, cancel less important tasks and free up time.
– Make a plan for the week to come – see one of my last posts.

All set? So, “Step forward to ‘Go’”.

Be the captain of the week to come

SUNDAY NIGHT, prepare to be the captain of the week to come! Here is my sunday night ritual: I take 15-20 min to look at the week to come.

1. White Paper Start: I am writing down the things I need and want to do this week, eg
– Todos from follow-up on files/projects (which I can anticipate)
– Work associated with preparation or follow-up from (fix) meetings/appointments
– People to contact or talk to
– Small bits on important but not urgent projects (e.g. time to plan project or a worshop, presentations)
– Delegation tasks
– Personal stuff

2. I sort and mark on the list:
– What I can delegate and what only can be done by me
– What is Urgent & Important
– What is Important but not Urgent

3. I take my calendar and check appointments and tasks that are already planned for the week; and give myself permission to cancel/rearrange appointments which do not fit my priorities.

4. I feed tasks from the white paper list into my weekly calendar, entering and blocking time for those tasks.

5. I step back, review, challenge…
– Realistic times of the day for certain tasks? Realistic length of task? Period of overbooking?
– Space for all the last-minute matters that show up?

Let us know your own tips in the comments below!

Next year, let’s make it really smarter

How many really made it until today? – How many of the New Year’s resolutions, you set yourself one year ago? None? Let me assure you, you are not alone. According to Inc. magazine four out of five New Year’s Resolutions fail. Most of them don’t even survive the first six weeks of the year.

However, the crux of achieving what is important to you is not (only) a lack of discipline – but often a lack of clarity. The same is true for organisations: leaders need to ensure overarching corporate visions and missions are translated into “SMART” team and personal objectives.

I trust many of you, many leaders are familiar with the SMART concept. And thus, I am often surprised by the lack of its implementation in the real world, I often notice unprecise goals formulations, not promoting alignment of teams around what is to be achieved. So as we are about to enter a new year, I’d like to invite you to stop and have a check on your next year objectives.

 Your leadership objectives – take heart, make it SMART:

Let me illustrate this with a sporting example. Say you’re a keen runner and you want to push yourself further:

Is “I want to do more sports” a smart resolution/objective? No. Better: “I want to run the Berlin marathon in October”. Why?

 –      Make your objective as specific as possible. Turn a great but vague idea (mastering a physical challenge) into a focused and clear target: running 42 kilometres at a stretch. Commit yourself and prove it: sign up for the race.

–      The more concrete your objective, the better you can measure it. Or in other words: “Knowing where you’re going is the only way of knowing whether you’re on track.” Ask yourself: “how will I know very concretely that I have achieved this objective?”

 –      Dreaming big is nice – but turning dreams into reality is even nicer. Be courageous and push yourself to your limits – but choose goals that are achievable! If an amateur runner directly aims at the “Ironman”, failure is assured. A marathon or half-marathon would do.

 –      Concentrate on relevant things. Your time and energy are too scarce to waste on unnecessary projects. So, set priorities! If the marathon is your dream, do it. If not, skip it – and choose a goal that matches your interests and values! Go for what is really important to you.

 –      Set your objectives in time – both short and long-term. If you want to run the marathon in October, start training early. And set intermediate milestone targets along the way. These smaller targets should also follow the above-mentioned principles: when do you want to face 10 or 15 kilometres? Keeping track of your progress will motivate you to keep on going.

 To sum it up: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timely objectives? That’s what is called SMART.

A little help: When making fresh New Year’s Resolutions and setting objectives for this coming year, SEE IT, FEEL IT, PICTURE IT, keep your runner in mind: she or he is a symbol for any objective leaders set – whether it is in their private or professional lives.

Resilience: Put your own life vest on first

As the year races towards an end, our days become increasingly hectic. The list of things to do and targets to meet just doesn’t get any shorter. The meetings roundabout doesn’t seem to stop, actually it feels more and more frantic. And the days and weeks slip away at a frightening rate. What to do? Where to start?

As leaders, situations like these are supposed to be our bread and butter. We’re supposed to relish the challenge, navigate rough waters and lead our teams through difficult times. But frankly, when urgent tasks are raining down on us thick and fast, sometimes at the cost of time for dealing with important issues and the stress levels rise, we can feel like we are losing control. We are desperately looking for times when we can stop & think, better plan, regain energy and feel in control. The point is, to successfully guide your team, you need to get your own house in order – “put your own life vest on first before you take care of others,” as the saying goes.

This is where resilience comes in, courage’s slightly less glamorous but equally important twin. Resilience is the ability to bounce back quickly from adversity and a vital ingredient for any leader. Resilience is the ability to maintain your balance, navigate in uncertainty, maintain a sense of control over one’s environment and move forward in a positive way.

When you are resilient, you understand and creatively exploit your internal and external strengths, so enabling yourself to deal effectively with challenges and significant adversity in a way that promotes health, well-being and an increased ability to deal constructively with future adversity.

And it needs to be carefully nurtured.

To build up your resilience, I recommend three things.

First: keep in mind the place you want to arrive at. If you have a clear picture of your final destination, the success that awaits at the end of the tunnel – if you can put that into words and share it with others, that image will be like a lighthouse, guiding you through the present storm.

Second: focus on your strengths. If you identify your strengths – also asking those you trust for their input and advice – you will realize which ones, in the current situation, will particularly help you, so gaining confidence in your ability to face what is, build up optimism and advance towards solutions.

Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly of all: you need to manage your energy rather than your time. Resilience is not just a matter of how you stand up to stress, it’s about how you recover and regain energy. Maintaining physical energy is essential. But you also, equally, need to refresh your emotional, mental and spiritual energy.

Most of us have a clear idea about how to look after our physical energy, through sufficient sleep, exercise, breaks, and a balanced diet, for example. With a few simple exercises you can also regenerate your emotional, mental and spiritual energy, too. Expressing appreciation for those around you is just one of the things you can do to boost your emotional energy, for example.

Interested in finding out more? Want to share your own tips? Then please send in your comments!


It’s a cliché we’ve all used: “Never Change a Winning Team”. But it’s one we should all rethink, as my valued colleagues Richard Robertson, MScFilip Fiers, Paul Van Geyt pointed out in their workshop at this year’s ICF global gathering in Prague.

Being a leader, you never forget that your market and customers are constantly evolving, also becoming more unpredictable, and your organisation needs the right mix of competencies to guide it through different growth phases. What will it take for your organisation to stay competitive and innovative as it develops?

In diverse and inclusive teams, which put a premium on individuals with various backgrounds, competencies, personalities and strengths, everyone has a particular contribution to make in managing the challenges and opportunities your organisation is facing in its current growth phase. As members of the team learn from each other and start to understand each other’s way of thinking, the creative dynamic inevitably weakens. Realizing this and being able to look critically at your winning team at the top and be ready to introduce a fresh impulse is one of the hallmarks of a truly courageous leader .

How will YOU make sure your team at the top stays diverse?